It’s our favorite time of year – Giving Week! Dune Jewelry was founded on Giving back to our communities and places we hold dear. Over the years we’ve donated over $250,000+ to various global and coastal causes. This Giving Week, 15% of net proceeds will be donated to YOUR charity of choice. Learn more about our truly incredible partners below and choose where your donation will go to (we do have an option to split between all!). And don’t forget – we’re gifting all orders $125+ a Wave Ornament with Turquoise and Mother of Pearl as a thank you for helping us give back.

Counting Coral

Emerging from a passionate collective of ocean enthusiasts, Counting Coral is a nonprofit organization dedicated to a future where, in simple terms, coral reefs can simply exist as they should. Counting Coral designsdonates and installs sculptural coral gene banks that are meticulously and artistically customized to revive and rehabilitate coral reefs. Within the larger goal of coral conservation lies the desire to push the boundaries of restoration, aiming for effective outcomes that inspire not only conservationists, but also the wider population.

Whale and Dolphin Conservation

Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) is the leading global charity dedicated to the protection of whales and dolphins. Whales play a crucial role in the marine ecosystem by bringing life-giving nutrients, whale poop, to phytoplankton at the ocean’s surface, microscopic organisms that absorb hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon from the atmosphere each year. We cannot solve the climate crisis without protecting the ocean and we cannot do that without protecting whales!

All Hands and Hearts

All Hands and Hearts provides community-inspired, volunteer-powered disaster relief. We take a humanitarian approach that emphasizes local involvement and empowerment during times of crisis. We actively engage community members, recognizing their invaluable knowledge of the area and its needs. Volunteers, motivated by compassion and a desire to help, contribute their time, skills and resources to assist affected communities, focusing on immediate relief and long-term recovery efforts. By fostering collaboration and understanding, we promote sustainable solutions that address the unique challenges faced by those impacted, building resilience and strength within the community.

Clearwater Marine Aquarium

Clearwater Marine Aquarium is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit working marine rescue center dedicated to inspiring the human spirit through leadership in education, research, rescue, rehabilitation and release. With a mission to preserve the environment and its marine life, CMA is home to rescued dolphins, sea turtles, river otters, stingrays, a nurse shark and more. Through Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute, CMA conducts important global research focused on protecting manatees, North Atlantic right whales and sea turtles. Major motion picture Dolphin Tale (2011) and its sequel Dolphin Tale 2 (2014) features the true stories of rescued resident dolphins Winter and Hope, inspiring millions around the world. The mission and potential to change people’s lives differentiates Clearwater Marine Aquarium from any other aquarium in the world.


Small Miracles in Life Exist (SMILE Mass) is a 501 C3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping families raising children or adults with disabilities enjoy happy, healthy memories through education, vacation, and recreation experiences. SMILE Mass strives to become the leading resource for handicap accessibility in vacation and recreation experiences. Please help us see our vision through.

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