I often get asked for my style tips for our classic Sandbeads, so I’m sharing my go-to looks with you below. Sandbeads are so versatile, you can change up your look and wear a different combo daily. These classic beads are a must-have for layering, stacking and more – everybody wants to wear them.

Delicate Charm Necklaces

Slide these beauties onto a sterling chain, like little droplets of your best memories. Add up your sand charms on varied chain lengths for a layered look. We recommend pairing a 16” with 18” for starters, or add on a third necklace at 20″ for even more impact. 

The seashell jewelry trend is here to stay: conch and mother-of-pearl are our customers’ faves & perfect elements for these delicate charms. The Scallop Sandbead works perfectly to showcase the gorgeous shell textures.


One-of-a-Kind Charm Bracelets

These charming bracelets are as unique as they are memorable. Add on your memories and travels all at once, or one at a time. 

The Barrel Sandbead is our newest addition to the family, and it’s a must-have! The shape magnifies your sand or natural element. People will be stopping you in the street asking “What is that bead made out of?!” Add a Barrel charm or two to our snake chain bracelet to collect your travels and adventures.


How to stack your charm bracelets?!

Don’t want to overcrowd your bracelet? Stack your Sandbeads on a Cuff Bracelet, and pair a few for a dynamic pop – this is the easiest (and most fun) way to wear your Sandbeads! Our Heart Sandbead is perfect for taking the center stage of your stack!


How to layer your Interchangeable Cuff Bracelets like a pro:

  1. Slide two beads on the first cuff
  2. Three milestone memories on the middle cuff
  3. And finish off the look with a one to two bead cuff, maybe with a pop of color from our Power Stone Collection

With all the different colors and textures found in our Sandbank, you can create a collection of memories for every look and outfit. So have fun! Mix, match, and remix these versatile looks! Explore our full Sandbead collection here.