Tiffany Rice’s spirit communication helps people align with their true and authentic selves. Inspiring people to experience that “ah-ha” moment is what keeps Tiffany on the path of healing through spiritual communication and connection. She graciously shared her top ten self-care tips with us, our outlook has already improved.

Tiff’s Top Ten Self-Care Tips

  1.  Start your day with a tall glass of water with lemon. Hydration is key for clarity.

  2. Get up and stretch it out, jump it out, get that blood flowing, waking your body up to feel everything mind, body, soul. Amplifying your human experience.

  3. Surround yourself with your favorite crystal. The one you are gravitated towards is usually what you need healing in at that moment. Hold close to your heart and write down your intentions.

  4. Visualize yourself living your goals. No doubts, see it as if you are already there.

  5. Take a warm shower using eucalyptus, peppermint, or lavender essential oils to help invigorate your senses.

  6. Take responsibility in your healing process. Learn what your coping mechanisms are during grief. Give yourself time to hold space in your feelings. Going through them is one step closer to healing.

  7. Create healthy boundaries. This goes for anyone in your life. Remember “no” is a solid answer as much as “yes”. Take care of yourself making sure your needs are met first.

  8. Appreciate your accomplishments whether small or big. You are validated without needing solid increments of success. Success is success.

  9. Surround yourself with your higher vibrational crowd. The ones that evolve with you and support you.

  10. Three times a day carve out three minutes (Morning, Afternoon, Night) place one hand over your belly and one over your heart. Close your eyes, drop your shoulders, and breathe. Feel yourself becoming more aligned and grounded with each breathe.


“The Third Eye Chakra is located in the center of your forehead. When open and cleared it amplifies your intuition and offers clarity from within. Learning to trust your divine intuition when in full alignment allows you to see, hear and feel your soul’s purpose.” – Tiffany Rice, Spirit Medium

Limited Edition Third Eye Chakra Necklace

Embrace your spiritual side with the Third Eye Chakra Necklace designed and inspired by Spirit Medium Tiffany Rice, and also shop the entire collection of our Spiritual Jewelry collaboration. Personalize with sand and earth elements, from a location that inspires your soul.

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