Father’s Day is just around the corner and I’m really excited for this year’s festivities!

Eric typically doesn’t like being celebrated. He tries to ignore most major holidays including his birthday and Father’s Day, but of course Lexa, Lyla and I aren’t going to let Father’s Day go by without celebrating the man behind the women! (lots of women). My girls are lucky to have a hard-working Daddy that brings humor and unconditional love to their lives.  Between driving Alexa back and forth to gymnastics multiple times per week, to making sure Lyla has an audience for all her dance moves, Eric is truly the best Dad!

This year I booked a night in Boston for the whole family so that we can explore the city together now that the girls are older.  We’ll be doing fun, touristy things like taking a Duck Tour ride and visiting the Boston Aquarium (my fave!).  Then we’ll be heading to dinner at somewhere family friendly, yet delicious.  I’m thinking Shabu Zen in Brighton which is a Shabu Shabu restaurant that I used to go to every week when I worked in the city.

We’ll be staying in Back Bay which has a ton of great restaurants we can walk to in the morning for breakfast, then back home to enjoy a traditional lobster bake with my in-laws.

I can’t tell you what his gift will be, because that will ruin the surprise, but I can tell you that our men’s bracelets have been a HUGE hit this year.  Customize one for the man in your life using sand or natural elements from his favorite beach, ballpark or golf course for a truly unique gift.

With love & sandy hands,

Holly Daniels Christensen

Holly Daniels Christensen
Founder, Travel Lover, Sand Connoisseur


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